Youth Resource Centres: Projects stall because some contractors haven’t been paid – Sports Minister

Youth Resource Centres: Projects stall because some contractors haven’t been paid – Sports Minister

Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif has acknowledged facing “challenges with regards to payments,” which is hindering the completion of the Youth Resource Centres currently under construction.

Out of the ten planned projects, only the Koforidua Multi-purpose Centre has been commissioned. While some centres are nearing completion, work has stalled at other locations.

“I admit we’ve had challenges with regards to payments, but because the contractors haven’t handed over the facilities, we can’t use them. We’re actively working to pay the amounts for the certificates raised so they can return to work at Azumah Nelson, Navrongo, and Nhyinahin. I want to assure you that all the contractors will be duly paid and will soon return to work. Work will soon start on Navrongo, Yendi, and Accra phase 2”, Ussif stated during a press briefing.

The work on ten multi-purpose Youth Resource Centres across the country began in 2018 under the then Sports Minister, Isaac Asiamah

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