Aspiring National Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mahdi Jibril, argued the best person for the position is someone who is well versed in the scientific approach of work and data of electoral processes.
According to him, there is no correlation between being a National Organizer of the party and being well built.
“Being a national organizer has nothing to do with physique. People are of the notion if you want to be a national organizer you need to be well built but they forget the position of the organizer is not about the carrying of timber and logs at the office. It is about the scientific approach of the work and the data. You are working with the voter register and the party register and if you don’t understand the dynamics of this, then you will lose the election,” he told Happy98.9FM’s Don Kwabena Prah on the ‘Epa Hoa Daben’ political talk show.
Mahdi Jibril posits a National Organizer of any party should have a high level of intelligence, must be an expert in intelligence gathering and must be able to predict happenings ahead of time. “You need to be a credible organizer who can be trusted by all and understand electoral issues.”
Being the current deputy organizer of the party, he asserts an organizer must be able to protect the ballot after voting and not only focus and getting people to turn up to vote. “The organizer must have electoral and research understanding, being abreast of electoral dynamics as well.
Having shown direction and dedication in his capacity as a deputy National Organizer, the politician argues the party is deficient in organization and pledges to resolve that, leading the NDC achieve victory in election 2024.