It was a total shutdown when YFM’s Masters of the turntable DJ Kess, DJ MicSmith, French Kiss DJ, and DJ Quarps took turns on the turntable to mix some Afrobeats, Hip Hop, Old School Music among others at the Glow in the Dark themed party event dubbed ‘YCarbon Glow’ at the Carbon night club in Accra on Saturday, 10th August 2019.
The venue’s only illumination was neon coloured laser lights and glow paints on the bodies of patrons. Ravers, danced their heart out reliving every single moment of the experience.
The ‘YCarbon Glow Party’ is part of a series of themed parties that YFM, Ghana’s number one urban radio is bringing to its cherish listeners and the general public. The other upcoming parties are the YCE Akwaaba Party happening on the 7th of September, the Y Mask on 12th of October and the YFM Birthday Drink up party.
The ‘YCarbon Glow party’ also gathered other YFM presenters including Kojo Manuel, Kokonsa Kester, Johnny Stone, Rev. Erskine and a host of others.
Musician Pappy Kojo was at the event to make the night more fun for patrons.
Speaking about the ‘YCarbon Glow party’, YFM’s Programmes Manager, Eddy Blay said The’ YCarbon Glow Party’ like every themed event gives ravers a perfect break from the regular parties. At YFM we do not do routine and we are all for the new and trendy.
We always love giving back to our society hence the creation of these events such the YCarbon Glow, which is a non-ticketing event to allow our listeners the opportunity to have fun with us.’’ he stated.
Eddy Blay further thanked Carbon nightclub for hosting the event and Blanc Foussy for refreshing patrons with their champagne.
For the latest news updates on YFM Events, visit www.yfmghana.com and follow YFM on Twitter and Instagram, @y1079fm and on Facebook @Y1079fm.