Follower of Common Sense Family, Yahuda Kinata says that he believes, people who pray are beggars and praying is a useless act and has therefore advised people who pray to abstain from it.
According to him, the only people who pray are those who are helpless and cannot do anything for themselves.
He told Rev Nyansa Boakwa on Happy 98.9FM’s NsemPii, “When I see or hear people praying I ask myself who they are praying to and why there are praying because everything they need is here and all they have to do is work for it not pray for it as their Bible asked them to”.
Using himself as an example he noted that, he does not pray because he believes he can use that time used in praying to work, make money and get whatever it is he would have prayed for.
Citing another example he mentioned that, the Chinese are currently leading the world whereas they do not pray nor believe in prayer.
He added that, there are some statements made in the Bible he does not understand why people believe and practice them one of those are, praying before eating.
“Praying before eating does not make sense and I do not see the need for that to be done unless of course you know the food you’re about eating has been poisoned” he said.
He argued that, he does not understand why he should ask God to sanctify food he’s going to eat with his blood if the food is not poisoned.
Yahuda concluded that, parents who ask their children to pray before eating are indirectly calling themselves witches and wizards because, “if you’re sure you did not poison the food then, there’s no need for your child to pray before eating” he emphasized.
By: Gyamfuah Owusu-Ackom
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