We want the new govt to speed up negotiations on our conditions of service- TEWU of TUC

We want the new govt to speed up negotiations on our conditions of service- TEWU of TUC

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The Teachers and Educational Workers Union (TEWU) of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has appealed to President Mahama to expedite negotiations on their conditions of service.

According to a statement by the union, the review on their Conditions of Service is long overdue and they want the Mahama government to speed up the negotiations.

“The gift we want from the new government for our members, in respect of the above-mentioned institution is to ensure timeous and speedy conclusion of the negotiations on the long overdue reviewed CONDITIONS OF SERVICE for them”.

The statement from TEWU of TUC mentioned that the group believes that the new government will speed up the process and capture it in its maiden budget.

The statement emphasized that, negotiations with the previous government were almost through, though there were some challenges which they hope would be resolved quickly.

“It is instructive for the government to note that on the issues of negotiations on the reviewed conditions of service, most of them just need signing off for implementation”.

The union has warned government that, it would not entertain any delay tactics.

“We hope the delay tactics exhibited by some state agencies in the recent past, will not be entertained by the new government”.

Read full statement below

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