We shall audit every single ballot booklet before they are destroyed- Omane Boamah to EC

We shall audit every single ballot booklet before they are destroyed- Omane Boamah to EC

Police must be the first port of call – Dr. Edward Omane Boamah

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Director for Elections and IT, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah has reaffirmed the NDC’s stance of auditing every single ballot booklet in the western and Eastern regions before they are destroyed on Tuesday December 3, 2024 to mitigate ballot stuffing.

According to him, the EC must understand that they have to go through each ballot booklet designated to be destroyed in the western and Eastern Regions before it intended destruction.

“The Electoral Commission Ghana must understand that we shall thoroughly audit each ballot booklet earmarked for destruction in the Western and Eastern regions before the intended destruction takes place”.

He mentioned that, due to the high number of ballot booklets involved, the destruction of the ballot papers for western and Eastern regions cannot take place today Tuesday December 3, 2024 as scheduled.

“Considering the volumes involved, the said destruction of ballot papers cannot take place today”.

Dr. Omane Boamah in a post on his Facebook page alleged that, thousands of the ballot papers may have been leaked to the NPP to enable them engage in stuffing.

“Thousands of ballot papers may have already been leaked to the NPP to enable them engage in ballot stuffing…”

“The Commission must never forget they lost our trust long ago”.

Who examines UV light sensitivity at the polling stations during sorting and counting of ballots?, he questioned.

see full post below

We shall audit every single ballot booklet before they’re destroyed to mitigate ballot stuffing

The Electoral Commission Ghana must understand that we shall thoroughly audit each ballot booklet earmarked for destruction in the Western and Eastern regions before the intended destruction takes place.

Considering the volumes involved, the said destruction of ballot papers cannot take place today.

The Commission must never forget they lost our trust long ago.

Thousands of ballot papers may have already been leaked to the NPP to enable them engage in ballot stuffing…

Don’t tell me security features will differ!

Who examines UV light sensitivity at the polling stations during sorting and counting of ballots?

Still keep #EAGLEEYES on the Electoral Commission and the NPP.


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