Video: Lady opens up on her abortion experience

Video: Lady opens up on her abortion experience

Video: Lady opens up on her abortion experience

Naomi Odonkor, a lady who has confessed to committing her first abortion during her mid-twenties, has shared her full story on eTV Ghana’s Girl Vibes show.

Speaking with host, Mercy Bee in a phone interview on the show, Naomi explained that she was around her mid-twenties when she found out that she had gotten pregnant. Worried about what her parents would say, she was torn between two worlds, also because she had had a first child already, thus her decision to abort the baby.

According to Naomi, she went to a registered medical centre to get the procedure done, however, the medical personnel did not give her any advice or consultation to guide her decision, hence it has been six years since and she regrets having gone through with the abortion.

“They only ask you if you want to go to the theatre or if you want to do with the pills. It wasn’t easy for me because I was just confused at that point and I feel like if the woman who attended to me had spoken to me about that abortion, I wouldn’t have gone through with it”, she lamented.

Naomi advised that anyone who is sexually active should understand that pregnancy is a possible result and they should be ready and willing to assume
responsibility should it happen.

Also, “Parents need to be there for their children because most at times, we don’t know what to do. We think of what they will say and we end up making the wrong decisions”.

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