Video: Diana Hamilton pays surprise visit to 2022 Mass Wedding Couples

Multi-award-winning Gospel artiste, Diana Hamilton paid a surprise visit to the 2022 Mass wedding couples during their counseling session at the premises of Happy98.9FM, in Asylum down.

The reigning Artiste of the Year commended the Global Media Alliance brand for their services with such innovative initiative to render assistance to couples planning their marriages.

“God bless Happy98.9 FM for presenting this opportunity to Ghanaians. It is important that people realized to submit the marriage before God and seek his blessings,” she said.

In her view, marriages brought before God do not only receive the Lord’s blessings but the blessings of an entire generation. She believes that the couples of the 2022 Happy Mass Wedding will be rewarded by the Lord since they thought to bring their union into the house of the Lord.

Using the Holy scriptures as her reference, she said, “Without the blessings of the Lord, I believe most marriages won’t stand the test of the time. Everything brought before God is magnified and as such, the marriages will feed into the guidance and the blessings of God. After the 5 loafs of bread and two fishes were brought before Jesus, he prayed on it and blessed it. That was how he was able to feed a lot. He fed 5000 people with blessings. So as couples, we should never underestimate the magnitude of God’s blessings.

Diana Hamilton further reiterated the counseling of Mrs. Ellen Gyamerah-Ako, speaker for the counseling session, as she maintained that communication is the very foundation of every successful relationship. Alongside that, every relationship needs to be centered on God.

According to the renowned Gospel Musician, the point in time where couples do not have a common ground to communicate with each other is one of her greatest fears in marriage.

Despite the challenges associated with marriages, she inspired the couples to stand up to the task and always seek the face of God.

The Happy FM Mass Wedding is a fully sponsored community investment initiative which pursues to unite would-be couples and sanctify the marriages.

With the Mass Wedding, Happy 98.9 FM becomes the family and sponsors of the wedding, assuming all costs in organizing a stylish wedding for the couples.

To make the wedding memorable and love filled, Happy 98.9 FM holds the wedding ceremony on February 14 (the month of love) annually and makes all the necessary provisions for the wedding.

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