The University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) has issued a stern ultimatum to the government, warning of potential industrial action if their concerns regarding the Book and Research Allowance (BRA) are not promptly addressed.
In a communiqué released today, October 16, 2023, UTAG expressed their growing dissatisfaction with the delay in the payment of the critical Book and Research Allowance, a fundamental aspect of their conditions of service. The association emphasized the urgency of the matter, citing the mounting tension on campuses due to the delayed BRA payments for the 2022/2023 academic year.
UTAG has called on the government to ensure that all its members receive their Book and Research Allowance payments no later than the 21st of October. The association believes that this swift action is necessary to prevent the disruption of academic activities and to maintain industrial harmony among educators in the country.
UTAG’s communiqué includes a stark warning that its members will not return to the classroom in January 2024 if the government fails to pay the negotiated ex-pump rate, along with all accrued arrears, by the 1st of November 2023, as previously agreed.
In the communiqué, UTAG made a clear distinction between the Book and Research Allowance and the National Research Fund, insisting that the latter should not replace the former. They stressed that the BRA is a critical component of their conditions of service and expressed frustration at the undue delay in payments for the 2022/2023 academic year.
“We are urging the Government to ensure that all UTAG Members receive their Book and Research Allowance by the 21st of October to avoid disrupting industrial harmony,” UTAG stated in their communiqué.
This ultimatum raises the stakes for the government, which now faces a looming deadline to resolve the payment issue and prevent potential disruptions to Ghana’s higher education system.