Unvaccinated stray dogs trigger rabies outbreak in Ghana – Chief Veterinary Officer

Unvaccinated stray dogs trigger rabies outbreak in Ghana – Chief Veterinary Officer

Unvaccinated stray dogs trigger rabies outbreak in Ghana - Chief Veterinary Officer

Ghana’s Chief Veterinary Office, Dr. Emmanuel Allegye Cudjoe, has expressed concern over the escalating cases of rabies in the Ashanti and Greater Accra Regions. Addressing the media at the launch of World Rabies Day 2024 Celebration in Accra on Wednesday, September 18, Dr. Cudjoe attributed the disturbing trend to the growing number of stray dogs that have not been vaccinated.

He explained that the rapidly expanding population in these regions has led to a corresponding surge in stray dogs and unvaccinated animals, exacerbating the problem. This situation poses a significant risk to public health, particularly in areas with high human-animal interaction.

To combat this menace, Dr. Cudjoe appealed to district assemblies to collaborate with the Veterinary Service to educate the public on the importance of keeping their animals safe and ensuring annual vaccinations for dogs. He emphasized the need for collective action to prevent the spread of rabies and promote public health and safety.

By working together, the Veterinary Service and district assemblies can raise awareness about rabies prevention, encourage responsible pet ownership, and ultimately reduce the risk of transmission in Ghana’s most affected regions.

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