UN, AU, ECOWAS express concern over Malians coup leader, Col Goïta re-seizure of power

UN, AU, ECOWAS express concern over Malians coup leader, Col Goïta re-seizure of power

UN, AU, ECOWAS express concern over Malians coup leader, Col Goïta re-seizure of power

Mali’s interim President Bah Ndaw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane have resigned from officce, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported yesterday, citing military and diplomatic sources.

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Late on Monday, Malian military arrested the Interim President and the Prime Minister and transported them to an army base near the capital of Bamako.

Mali’s interim Vice-President Assimi Goita said they were ousted for violating the transition charter.

The United Nations (UN), African Union (AU) and ECOWAS have voiced concern over the situation in the West African country after the detention of civilian leaders by the military.

N’Daw and Ouane were reportedly taken by force on Monday to the Kati military camp following the transitional President’s announcement of his appointment of members of the government on the proposal of the prime minister.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he would continue to monitor the evolving situation in Mali very closely, said his spokesman.

Guterres, who was being briefed on the latest developments in the country, called for calm and the immediate release of the detained civilian leaders.

“We are working closely with the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) and of course the African Union and all other international actors that are supporting the ongoing political transition in Mali,” he told a daily news briefing.”

The UN peacekeeping mission in Mali continues to monitor the latest developments and reiterates its strong condemnation of the arrest of N’Daw and Ouane, as well as some of their colleagues, said Dujarric.

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“This action has serious consequences for Mali and the region as a whole,” he said.

UN officials in Mali are seeking access to those detained as soon as possible, he added.

The Local Transition Monitoring Committee in Mali demanded on Monday “the immediate and unconditional release” of the transitional president and prime minister.

In a joint statement, the committee, composed of members of ECOWAS, the AU, and the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali, expressed its deep “concern” over the situation.

They strongly condemned “the attempted coup de force” of detaining the transitional president, prime minister and some of their collaborators by military officers.

The committee also reaffirmed its “firm support” for the transitional authorities by demanding that the process of political transition resume and conclude on time after an 18-month interim period.

“The international community rejects in advance any act imposed by coercion, including forced resignations,” the statement said.

The mediation team of ECOWAS led by former Nigerian President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan left Ghana is on a mission to Mali.

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