The next Mahama administration will restore morale in the security services – Ex-IGP’s Executive Secretary Peter Toobu assures

The next Mahama administration will restore morale in the security services – Ex-IGP’s Executive Secretary Peter Toobu assures

Superintendent Peter Toobu

A spokesperson for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the area of Security for the party’s manifesto, Supt (Rtd) Peter Lanchene Toobu has indicated that morale of the security services under the leadership of candidate Mahama will be unmatched should the NDC be voted to power.

He noted that the current system in which the work of the Police Service is constantly interfered with by political actors is what has dropped the morale of the Ghana Police and is inadvertently hindering their effectiveness.

He was quick to give an indication that now, the position of the Inspector General of Police (IGP) is one of political appointment and the extension of their mandate sometimes affects morale as the next in line may displace their dissent and hinder the work of the IGP.

“The position of the IGP is not a rank but a political appointment. It is all about who catches the president’s eye and that is the danger of it. You must look for the best and appoint as the IGP but we now look at the politically coloured to appoint and this causes bitterness in the service, reducing morale in the process.”

He indicated that the Police Service can be provided with all the resources needed to work but they cannot be effective because of low morale. Peter motioned that sometimes police constables disrespect persons who outrank them just because they are politically linked and that also dampens the spirit of these police officers.

Exemplifying Commissioner of Police, Nathan Kofi Boakye as an epitome of morale in the service, Peter said, “You can follow COP Kofi Boakye to do the work without even eating and you will not even notice that you are hungry. That is the kind of leader he is. Because under his leadership there is morale.”

The ex-serviceman noted that with people like COP Kofi Boakye leading the police service, the police will have confidence in discharging their duties and added, “If the IGP was elected, COP Kofi Boakye would be the IGP.”

He also indicated that, should candidate Mahama win his presidential bid, members of the police service with degrees and certification who till now have been deprived of their promotion will receive them.

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