The Bible does not frown on alcohol drinking – Man of God

Many at times in the body of Christ, a lot of people have their own explanation as to whether it is right or wrong to drink alcohol and are confused about what exactly the word of God says about alcohol drinking.

Founder of Family house chapel, Apostle Cosby Adjei has clarified and explained what exactly the Bible says about alcohol drinking.

According to him, the Bible does not detest alcohol drinking.

Talking to Kwabena Boafo on Happy 98.9 FM’s NsemPii on the biblical perspective of alcohol he said, “I will base my argument on the word hate because, If you hate something it means you would not want to see or hear of it at all and if that was the case, then Paul would not have told Timothy to drink alcohol to cure his stomach pain”.

Taking a verse from 1 Timothy 5:33 Apostle expressed that, if the Bible hated alcohol, Paul would not have asked Timothy to take it so, “this goes to tell us that the Bible does not hate alcohol because Paul will not recommend something the Bible hates”.

He revealed that, although the early church did not drink alcohol it still was not mentioned anywhere that alcohol is bad and does not understand why some Christians quote the Bible to judge people who drink alcohol.

He noted that the reason why the early church did not drink alcohol was because, all Christians and believers are priests and, “They believed priests did not have to drink alcohol although it was not mentioned in the Bible”.

The man of God noted that it is not wrong to drink alcohol but it should not be abused if it is not being used for an emergency.

Citing an example he said, “If you keep taking able for medical reasons then it is allowed if not, you can drink once in a while but is should not be taken frequently or abused”.

He also advised people to know the teachings that comes with drinking alcohol and know what the Bible says about drinking in order not to be misled.

The Bible does not frown on alcohol drinking – Man of God

By: Gyamfuah Owusu-Ackom

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