On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at the NCA Tower, the NCA launched its Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC). The event was attended by key stakeholders in the electronic communications industry. Amidst inspiring speeches from the Director General and the Board Chairman, Nana Adjoa Adobea Asante, Secretary to the Authority gave a presentation on the framework of the DRC.
The Chairman of the DRC, Mr. Patrick Boateng assured the public that decisions of the DRC will be hinged on the tenets of open-mindedness and utmost fairness.
The DRC is a creature of statute, established under Sections 84 & 85 of Electronic Communications Act, 2008 (Act 775), as one of the dispute resolution avenues provided by the Authority.

Emphasizing the nature of the DRC, the Registrar of the DRC, Lawyer Nana Adjoa said, “It is a sui generis ADR institution:
It is a committee of the Authority, with limited powers of the High Court (Adjudicatory Powers).”
Highlighting on the mandate of the DRC, Lawyer Nana Adjoa, in rhetoric, stated: “Is consent of the parties required for DRC disputes? No, unless the parties have pre-agreed to use another dispute resolution mechanism.”
She was quick to add that: “However, a subscriber must take reasonable steps to seek redress from the operator before filing a claim with the DRC (Reg. 130 of LI 1991).”
From 1st July 2024, Claims can be filed at the DRC Registry (will be located on the ground floor of the NCA Tower). In the interim, there will be no filing fees for the filing of processes.

The Authority will take the necessary legal steps to publish the DRC user guidelines/rules of procedure and filing fees schedule, where applicable.
The establishement of the DRC comes at an opportune time where industry players seek effective and efficient modes of settling disputes outside the traditional court system.
Members of the committee comprise Professor Mark Adom-Asamoah, Hon. Ama Pomaa Boateng, Dr. Jemima Nunoo, Mr. Prince Hari Crystal, Kofi Owusu-Nhyira Esq., Mr. Kusum Appiah, and Lawyer Mrs. Golda Sowah Adjei, with Nana Adjoa Adobea Asante as Registrar.