Sex is a blessing from God – Rev. Kofi Annan

Sex is a blessing from God – Rev. Kofi Annan

Sex is a blessing from God - Rev. Kofi Annan

The final counseling session of Happy FM’s Mass Wedding program took place on Saturday 8th February,2024 , with a focus on the often-sensitive topic of “Sex in Marriage.”

Rev. Kofi Annan, Co-counselor, led the session, offering a unique perspective on the role of sex in marriage.

Rev. Annan began by explaining that sex is a gift from God, created for humans to enjoy within the confines of marriage. He cited Genesis 1:28, where God instructs humans to “be fruitful and multiply,” as evidence that sex is a fundamental aspect of God’s plan for humanity.

“Most men of God make it feel like sex is a sin, even when they indulge in it,” Rev. Annan noted. “But the Bible teaches us that God created sex and finds it joyous. We must change our mindset and recognize that sex is a beautiful and essential part of marriage.”

Rev. Annan also referenced the biblical account of creation, where God looks at everything He has made and declares it “very good.” This, Rev. Annan argued, includes the process of procreation, which is a fundamental aspect of human sexuality.

“It is God’s desire that humans will reproduce and fill the earth,” Rev. Annan said. “Sex is not a sin, but a gift from God that brings joy and intimacy to marriage.”

The counseling session was well-received by the couples in attendance, who appreciated Rev. Annan’s straightforward and biblical approach to the topic. As Happy FM’s Mass Wedding program comes off this Friday 14, February 2024, the couples are now better equipped to navigate the challenges and joys of married life, including the important aspect of sex and intimacy.

With this final counseling session, Happy FM’s Mass Wedding program has provided couples with a comprehensive foundation for building strong, healthy marriages that honor God and bring joy to all parties involved.

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