Wilmar Africa Limited, one of the largest manufacturing business entities, has donated some foodstuff to the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Nuhu Sharabutu as their way of joining and supporting the Islamic community in the Salah festivities.

Wilmar Africa Limited, producers of Frytol cooking oil and importers of Fortune rice brands, fortune margarine, Frytol seasoning variants, among others, visited the residence of the National Chief Imam on Saturday, the 24th of July, 2021 to present some of these food items which included boxes of Frytol oil and seasoning cubes as well as bags of Fortune rice.
Priscilla Aprepary, as a representative of Wilmar, told the Chief Imam that this gesture was only one of many to come and that it is all to support the Muslim community in having a successful festive period.
“Giving these items here today is more of a blessing to us at Wilmar Africa Limited and being able to meet such a man of blessing and honor makes us feel like we’re more on the receiving end. We would like to say a big thank you to His Eminence Sheikh Nuhu Sharabutu for welcoming us and accepting this little token from us. We also hope to be able to do this every year and by the grace of Allah, do it even bigger, hence, you can be rest assured that this is not the last”, she said.
Priscilla further encouraged all people present and the people of Fadama to make Fortune rice and Frytol products their first choice as it has been specially fortified with nutrients that are needed to keep the body going.
On his part, the Chief Imam also thanked the Wilmar team for their thoughtfulness and generosity and prayed for Allah’s blessings and favor upon them. He assured them that “Allah never forgets his children and He will never forget to bless you. He sees your good works and in his decided time, you will reap all this goodness that you have sown here today”.