Prophet Seth explains the various types of forgiveness

Prophet Seth Arthur of the Heaven Chosen Prayer Ministries, has explained the different types of forgiveness and how they work.

He did this to clarify the confusion of most people with regard to forgiveness.

He told Kwabena Boafo on Happy 98.9 FM’s Boneka Edition of NsemPii, “There are different types of forgiveness unlike most people think. There is one that gives you complete absolution without a price and there is also forgiveness which comes with a price.”

Prophet Seth disclosed that some wrong doings are unforgivable and there are others that will not paid for here on earth.

“Some wrongs outweigh others so you cannot call all sin the same. There are some things you do that God will not forgive you for, and there are others that you will pay for even after you have been forgiven,” he said.

Citing an example of an unforgivable offense he mentioned, “The Bible explains that anyone who offends the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.”

He advised people to know the differences between the various types of forgiveness to guide them in their life’s walk. “You might think you are not being watched or you will not pay for all the wrongs you do. But the truth of the matter is that although there is forgiveness, not all sin can be forgiven.”

By: Gyamfuah Owusu-Ackom

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