Private hospitals are comfortable accepting national health insurance because we pay promptly- Health Minister

Private hospitals are comfortable accepting national health insurance because we pay promptly- Health Minister

Private hospitals are comfortable accepting national health insurance because we pay promptly- Health Minister

Health Minister Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, has announced that private hospitals are now increasingly comfortable accepting patients under the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), citing improvements in prompt payment for services rendered.

This development he stated is expected to enhance collaboration between the government and private healthcare service providers, improving accessibility and affordability for citizens.

“Now, as we speak, most of these private hospitals are comfortable with the National Insurance Scheme because we pay promptly and when I say promptly, I mean within maximum 50 days, they get reimbursed” he said.

During a recent address, the minister acknowledged past challenges with delayed payments, which had caused hesitation among private hospitals to fully engage with NHIS.

However, he disclosed that the government has implemented a series of measures to improve the payment process, ensuring that healthcare providers are reimbursed promptly for the services they provide.

“Before when we took care of patients it could take a year to get the money but now, there’s been significant improvement when it comes to reimbursement” he emphasized.

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