Renowned Counsellor, Kwaku Adumatta, has insisted that the right way to train and treat children is showing actions.
In an interview with Rev. Nyansa Boakwa on Happy 98.9FM’s ‘Nsem Pii’ show, Kwaku Adumatta said, “Parents need to empower and enrich themselves in order to train their children so they can understand where their children stand in situations, and all this is a part of parenting,” he disclosed.
He noted that when parents are robust towards their children, they end up eroding their confidence in the process.
“The best way is not telling them to do it, but rather show them how to do it. Telling them becomes noise to their ears and with time they won’t listen to you again,” he explained.
He ended by saying that instead of just telling them to do something, parents should rather have conversations with their children to understand their dynamics because imposing things on them is also wrong.
By: Gyamfuah Owusu-Ackom