Photos: Ps. Nyansa Boakwa coordinates HappyFM Mass Wedding with grace

Host of Ghana’s top rated socio-religious programme on Happy98.9FM, Pastor Nyansa Boakwa facilitated the Happy FM Valentine’s Day Mass Wedding, with grace and suave as the event’s official MC.

The mass wedding ambassador coordinated events at the 14th edition of the Happy FM Valentine’s Day Mass Wedding which saw the blessing and union to 14 couples at the National Theatre on 14th February, 2020.

Carrying the event on live radio, Nyansa Boakwa made sure listeners were not left out of the fun. He conducted the event and gave an immersive experience to those who follwed the event on radio. “Nyansa y3 champion. He facilitated the event very much to my liking. I was not there, I only had the opportunity to listen on radio, but I can say for a fact that I experienced the event very much like everyone present. Nyansa carried us along with him from the very beginning till the end of the show. I loved it”, read a text from a listener, Kwadwo Ampem.

Nyansa who was geared up for the event delivered his promise of ‘wowing’ the crowd and the entire ceremony with his charisma. Being appreciative of the all important task conferred unto him, Nyansa remarked, ” it is undoubtedly a great honor to be part of the Happy FM Valentine’s Day Mass Wedding family. Truly I was quite taken aback by the patronage and support received from families and friends of beneficiaries. Invited artistes also rocked the stage with great performances and we all had a good time.”

He urged all who were preparing to get married to just remain calm and join the next Happy FM Valentine’s Day Mass Wedding train.

The Happy FM Valentine’s Day Mass Wedding, an all-expense paid wedding ceremony is a community investment event which seeks to help couples yearning to bless their marriage or get married by taking on the responsibility of organizing the event and providing all the necessary resources needed.

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