PELT Awards increases work efficiency for companies nationwide – Head of Corporate Affairs, SIGA

PELT Awards increases work efficiency for companies nationwide – Head of Corporate Affairs, SIGA

PELT Awards increases work efficiency for companies nationwide - Head Of Corporate Affairs

The Head of Corporate Affairs at the State Interests and Governance Authority (SIGA), Stephen Asiedu, has affirmed that the Public Enterprise League Table (PELT) Awards scheme has increased the strive for excellence in companies nationwide.

He noted that the PELT awards scheme, spearheaded by the Minister of Public Enterprises, Joseph Cudjoe is backed by the collaborative efforts of SIGA officials. The board ranks the government agencies under timely objectives that are placed within the 12 months of the year.

In an interview on Happy 98.9FM’s Epa Hoa Daben show with host Sefah Danquah, the SIGA official noted that government agencies earn their spot in the list of honored companies based on an annual agreement to achieve all objectives proposed by SIGA. “These companies will be ranked according to the input of hard work measured and their ability to achieve objectives proposed. SIGA under contractual terms agrees with these companies which must observe all requisite terms in the contract and are evaluated at the end of the year; the performance.” he said.

He highlighted that there have been improvements regarding the eagerness of companies to meet the objectives laid down by SIGA and added that companies are compelled to work harder and strive for excellence to secure spots at the top of the list, which in turn increases productivity in the various companies and promotes national development. “The companies have realized that there is a league table now so they work hard; no one wants to be ranked as the least performing company so they work hard towards the next year’s ranking; The energy and excitement of companies as compared to last year’s towards the PELT Awards is massive and engagement ratings are shooting through the roof.”

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