Organised Labour requests urgent meeting with Prez Akufo-Addo regarding SSNIT operations

Organised Labour requests urgent meeting with Prez Akufo-Addo regarding SSNIT operations

Organised Labour requests urgent meeting with Prez Akufo-Addo regarding SSNIT operations

Organised Labour is seeking a meeting with President Nana Akufo-Addo to discuss recent operations of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).

Labour groups have voiced dissatisfaction with recent reports on SSNIT’s activities, fearing the Trust may be unable to pay workers’ pensions in the future.

A major concern is the sale of SSNIT’s shares in four hotels to Rock City Limited, a company managed and owned by the current Minister for Agriculture and Aquaculture, Dr. Bryan Acheampong.

Organised Labour is requesting a meeting with the President to express their fears and frustrations, urging immediate policy changes.

Dr. Yaw Baah, Secretary-General of the TUC, emphasised the need for the President to agree to a meeting so they can collaborate with relevant stakeholders to address these critical concerns.

“We are raising very important issues and we are an important stakeholder. I mean, they can’t ignore our concerns. I would like to assure all workers in this country that SSNIT is going to pay their pension when they retire.”

“That is why we want to meet the president because we have issues to address. And I am very confident that between the president, we, Organized Labour, the board, the Ministry of Employment, which is also in charge of pensions and NPRA, we come together, we will make sure SSNIT is running as expected.”

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