Okaikwei Central lawmaker, Patrick Boamah hosts 2nd “The MPs DigiRead Train”

The Worldreader Ghana’s “MPs DigiRead Train”, after a successful take off with Hon. Nii Lantey-Vanderpuye in the Odododiodioo constituency is set to host Hon. Patrick Yaw Boamah, Member of Parliament for the Okaikwei Central Constituency, on Wednesday, 28 July, 2021 at the Tesano Cluster of Schools at 8:00 am.

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As characterized with the last one, this edition will also host the Member of Parliament in reading “The Chewing Stick” published by Buck Press with students drawn from the constituency and will be followed with a conversation on the theme of the book and its correlation with the lifestyle in the constituency. The session would also create a platform for the children to interact with the Member of Parliament on issues regarding education, library infrastructure in the constituency, reading manners and last but not least, the relevance of reading and reading clubs in schools.

“The MPs DigiRead Train” is project by Worldreader Ghana dedicated to giving a reading experience from the digital perspective and also encouraging the use of digital devices such as phones and tablets for reading purposes. The product by Worldreader which would be made available for the reading session is the BookSmart app, a store of several collections by authors/publishers in Ghana, Africa and the world at large.

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Partners of the event include Ghana Reads Initiative, AA Reading Club, Graphic Showbiz, Agoo Tv, Kantanka Tv and the Insight Newspaper.

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