Leader of the Alliance for Revolutionary Change, Alan Kwadwo Kyeremanten has fingered the governing NPP and the NDC for reversing Ghana’s development with their political mandates handed them by the people of Ghana. According to Mr. Kyeremanten the evidence of the statement is found in the emerald economic quagmire that Ghana’s economy is bedevilled with. Ghana after 67 years of independence, in the view of Mr. Kyeremanten, is unable to feed its population, a situation he describes as a sad spectacle. Related to this is the mismanagement the economy has witnessed over the years that has resulted in Ghana resorting to the IMF the seventeenth time bailout.
Ghana, he says is at the crossroads and needs to be saved. However, he believes the NPP and the NDC, the two main political parties that have governed the republic of Ghana for the past 30 years in the fourth Republic, do not have any trick left in their hats to bring about the growth and development the people of Ghana has been yearning for.
“NPP and NDC have exhausted their abilities”, Mr. Kyeremanten intimated during his presentation and official launch of the Great Transformational Plan at the Movepick Ambassador Hotel in Accra on Monday,24th of June, 2024. Ghana’s economic situation, he says, has seen no real improvement and all economic indicators point to that fact including debt to GDP ratio, exchange rate fluctuation, high food inflation, unemployment, etc.
According the aspiring presidential candidate on the ticket of the ARC, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first Prime Minister and President, had a clear desire to liberate Ghana economically. But, the recent cohort of leaders Ghana has had had little to no vision to make Ghana’s economy resilient.
He has thus admonished voters to look at the performance of the two major political parties and ditch them during the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections.