Renowned counselor, Kwaku Adumatta, has advised couples to understand that humans are imperfect before getting married.
According to him, people need to come to the realization that “you can’t marry your God or an angel but you will marry someone who is imperfect.”
He said this to Rev. Nyansa Boakwa on Happy 98.9FM’s NsemPii show, “Marriage in itself shouldn’t be perfect. If you accept this, then you will do things that will make the marriage work because you know you’re both imperfect, and will have to translate your actions and words into every day action that will be done daily”.
The relationship coach also added that people have to understand that their partners will and can never be liked by everyone.
“So, my responsibility is to make the marriage work irrespective of what comes, and this is what a lot of couples need to understand. No one needs to feel above the other person because the moment that happens it becomes an issue for the couple,” he disclosed.
He ended by saying that marriage is not a decision but a choice, and anyone who makes that choice has a role to play which is to be able to work towards your partner so your marriage works regardless.
By: Gyamfuah Owusu-Ackom