New MTN Ghana bundle rates cause stir on social media

New MTN Ghana bundle rates cause stir on social media

New MTN Ghana bundle rates cause stir on social media

MTN Ghana has notified users of a surge in purchase rates of data bundles which has given social media users reasons to worry in the coming days.

An image which was spotted by on X displays the new purchase rates of MTN’s non expiry bundles ranging from 1.06MB – 92.88GB; GHS 0.3 – 350, 17.79MB; GHS 0.5, 35.57MB ; GHS 1.00, 349.24MB; GHS 3.00, 718.91MB ; 10.00, 92.88GB ; GHS 350.00.

Many Ghanaian social media users have taken to various social media platforms to express their dissatisfaction towards these bundle rates. Some netizens have touted these rates as outrageous.

While others bemoan, other users contemplate on switching to other telecommunication networks for better and much more pocket friendly data bundle rates.

See a few comments of social media users below;

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