NDC refutes allegations of Gizella Agbotui leaving Awutu Awubia Festival without permission

NDC refutes allegations of Gizella Agbotui leaving Awutu Awubia Festival without permission

NDC refutes allegations of Gizella Agbotui leaving Awutu Awubia Festival without permission

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has debunked allegations levelled against Awutu Senya West Constituency Member of Parliament, Gizella Tetteh Agbotui citing that she sought permission before leaving the Awutu Awubia grand durbar.

Speaking to Happy Kasiebo, the Awutu Senya West Constituency Communication Officer for NDC, Cassius Otto Larbie stated that the MP sought permission to leave after her speech at the durbar grounds to attend to other equally important engagements.

He also said the MP never left the grand durbar immediately after the Vice President arrived adding that the MP waited for the arrival of the vice president and his entourage and greeted them accordingly.

“The MP was even denied a seat at the high table by the DCE and some NPP executives meanwhile she is the MP for the whole Constituency. Due to this, the MP was seated at the popular stand”, he alleged.

“After the MP delivered her speech, she sought permission to leave only to find out that the Vice President was coming so she waited till the Veep was seated before she asked again to leave and attend an equally important event”, he explained.

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