Chairman of the National Cathedral of Ghana Board, Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah has announced that construction will resume soon.
A Press Release signed by Apostle Professor Onyinah said, ‘’The Board has been concerned by the length of time it has taken to complete the audit, which formally started in July 2023. However, upon receipt of the first report, we appreciate the meticulous audit processes adopted by Deloitte, including the thorough circularisation procedures that involved all parties related to monies received and expenditures on the project’’,.
‘’The audit for the year ended, 31 December 2021 is also in progress, while the remaining audits comprising the years ended, 31 December 2022 and 2023 are planned for completion latest by the end of the year’’the statement read.
Apostle Onyinah confirmed that, the auditors corroborated all receipts and expenditure on the project since inception by all parties, including the state, and that independent donations received through donations have been confirmed by the auditors as well as, performed all relevant confirmations from the financial institutions involved in the project.
The statement reiterated the board’s commitment in providing clear accountable and transparent auditing of its finances, “In the presentation, and in answers to questions after the presentation, the Auditors were categorical that there was no adverse findings, and: “proper books of accounts have been kept and the information and explanation provided are in the manner required by the Companies Act, 2019,922).”
He said this forms part of the first report of an on-going statutory audit by Deloitte Ghana.
Read full statement below