Remarkable songstress, Nana Yaa, has revealed her gloomy childhood.
On e.TV Ghana’s award-winning entertainment talk show, ‘The Late Nite Celebrity Show’, she was asked for confirmation of whether or not she spent some part of her life in Liberia and if the historic war that lasted many years affected her.
“Oh yeah, it has affected me. I was there before, after and during the war. Before the war, life with the woman who took us there was crazy. we went to school for about first semester and after that, there was no more school so I was just in the house with my brother. That and not hearing from my mum and dad and the uncertainty of whether they were coming to get us or not was the first harsh bit,” she disclosed.
“So I was just there cooking and cleaning and doing all chores whiles her kids go to the best schools they had in Liberia. It was hard and crazy,” she added.
Nana Yaa thought she was experiencing a hard and crazy life until the worst happened.
“Before the war I lost sight in one of my eyes and then I lost my brother, then the war came and I kept wondering if I was ever going to see my parents again. I really wanted to go home, I wanted to go to school and I wanted to do music. Music was on my mind all the time that I kept wondering what I was going to do with this music thing. How was I going to start, how was I going to see my mum and dad, I had lost my brother, what am I going to do,” she recounted.
Until she found a way out of her predicament, she prayed and held unto her faith.
“So I just kept praying and singing to myself and I had to teach myself to continue to read and write as a way of continuing with my education, so I did that for a while,” she said.
By: Susan Amoako Agyemang