NAM1 can’t be extradited to Ghana- International Relations Expert

NAM1 can’t be extradited to Ghana- International Relations Expert

An International Relations expert, Mr. Al-Wahab Farouk, has stated that embattled Nana Appiah Mensah aka NAM1 cannot be extradited to Ghana even if he has been arrested in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

According to him, the UAE is a Sovereign Nation and as such does not answer and is not accountable to any nation.

“If NAM 1 has really been arrested in UAE in connection to any crime committed in the UAE and is even found not guilty to these crimes, the Ghanaian government cannot force the UAE to hand him over to them after he is acquitted and discharged,” Farouk said.

He made this comment on the ‘Epa Hoa Daben’ show on Happy FM. “If NAM 1 was arrested in UAE because of crimes committed in the country, it will be impossible for the UAE to hand over NAM 1 to the Ghanaian government.”

However, if NAM 1 has been arrested based on an Interpol alert, he should be expected to return to the custody of the Ghanaian security service.”

He advised the Ghanaian government to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and other treaties to help extradite Ghanaian nationals should they be arrested in the UAE.

By: Joel Sanco

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