A young man has revealed that his life has constantly been under threat just because he does not act in the prescribed ‘manly’ way.
According to the young man whom we will refer to as Kwesi for his safety, because his mannerisms are feminine in nature, he suffers homophobic attacks.
He shared his story with Happy 98.9 FM’s Rev Nyansa Boakwa on the Midweek Edition of NsemPii.
“Some people have gone as far as telling and showing me how they would’ve killed me if I were to be their child”, he said with so much pain.
Kwesi also mentioned that the severity of these threats led him to drop out of school. “I dropped out of my former school because I used to receive threats and insults from some of the students and even teachers”.
Kwesi who has been badly scarred by hate speech and inhumane treatments can no longer make friends and has contemplated suicide to end his loneliness.
“I barely make friends but the truth is, I am not gay. I just have features of a girl”, he mentioned.
Rev Nyansa advised him to seek clinical counselling, where he will be guided on replacing his loneliness with a hobby to rid him of all suicidal intents.
Watch the full show below
By: Gyamfuah Owusu-Ackom