Minority support ‘Hands Off Our Hotels’ demonstration

Minority support ‘Hands Off Our Hotels’ demonstration

Minority support 'Hands Off Our Hotels' demonstration

The Minority in Parliament has condemned “the attempt to sell off profitable state-owned hotels to Bryan Acheampong,” calling it “wrong, unacceptable, and not to be condoned.”

Therefore, the caucus has committed to supporting the forthcoming “Hands Off Our Hotels Demonstration.”

Scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, 2024, the protest aims to voice opposition to the government’s plan to sell four hotels managed by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) for pensioners.

In a statement issued by the Minority on Monday, June 17, 2024, declares, “This sweetheart deal, which transfers iconic and profitable state-owned hotels to a cabinet minister, further confirms the wanton cronyism, official corruption, and state capture that have become the hallmark of the NPP government”.

Read Full statement below:

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