Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture unveils Ghana’s first Creative Arts Hall of Fame in Sekondi

Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture unveils Ghana’s first Creative Arts Hall of Fame in Sekondi

Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture unveils Ghana's first Creative Arts Hall of Fame in Sekondi

In a landmark event marking World Tourism Day, the Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture, Andrew Egyapa Mercer, has proudly unveiled the first Creative Arts Hall of Fame in Sekondi. This historic celebration honors the rich cultural heritage of Sekondi as the hub of music and pays tribute to the extraordinary talents that have fueled the country’s vibrant creative sector. The site of the Wall, Duawusu, is located at Asamansudu a suburb of Sekondi and is the place where according to folklore, a lot of Ghanaian music talent was unearthed.

The Hall of Fame draws inspiration from renowned institutions worldwide, which honor the lifetime achievements of pioneers in the creative Arts. “These halls of fame stand as testaments to the power of creativity in shaping our world and driving economic growth,” stated the Minister during the unveiling ceremony.

The Minister highlighted the significant role of creative arts to the Ghanaian economy. “The creative arts sector is not only a vital contributor to our economy but also fuels tourism, stimulates export revenues, and creates numerous job opportunities,” he said.

The inaugural class of inductees honors some of Ghana’s most iconic figures in creative arts, including Paapa Yankson, AB Crentsil, Felicia Abban, Ebo Taylor, Kwaw Ansah, Jewel Ackah, Joris Watenburg, Mike Eghan, Ray Allen, Gyedu Blay Ambolley, CK Mann, and Nana Bosompra. “These legends – the first list of inductees – have enriched our cultural heritage and elevated Ghana’s presence on the global stage,” the Minister remarked.

According to the Minister, the National Creative Arts Hall of Fame will be integrated into the ongoing renovations at the Centre for National Culture (CNC) in Sekondi. Plans are already in place to replicate this initiative across the country, ensuring that every region has a platform to celebrate its unique creative talents.

To maintain the momentum of recognition, the Minister announced that new inductees will be added annually as part of each years World Tourism Day celebrations, ensuring continuous acknowledgment of the contributions made by Ghana’s artists, musicians, filmmakers, and cultural icons.

The CEO of the Ghana Tourism Authority, Akwasi Agyeman, thanked the various stakeholders in the industry whose input led to the successful completion of the project. He extended his heartfelt gratitude to the community of Sekondi for their unwavering support in making the Creative Arts Hall of Fame a reality. “Together, let us celebrate our national heroes and continue to promote the arts and culture that make Ghana truly unique,” he concluded.

Present at the Ceremony were industry captains, traditional leaders , religious leaders and various youth groups. An official induction ceremony will be held on the 22nd October, 2024.

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