Love in the time of coronavirus: Cuddling, kissing and smooching are off the table

If you are thinking of seeing your boyfriend for the last time before Lockdown Dr. Charles Martey is advising lovers to stay put and rely on technologies such as skype to see each other but not be tempted to touch.

Dr. Charles Martey who is signed onto ‘Locum Professionals’-an online service that connects validated health professionals to clients requiring their expertise told Agnes Ntow host of ‘Room Service’ that sex in all forms is off the table for lovers who live in separate homes.
‘’Seeing your boyfriend in this pandemic is risking your life. Cuddling, hugging and kissing someone you don’t live with is risky. I understand that there is a need to maintain your relationship and also intimacy but you cannot risk it’’ he said.

According to Dr. Martey, coronavirus is not sexually transmitted but technically there is no type of sexual act that you can engage in three (3) feet apart.

‘’Coronavirus is not found in semen or vaginal fluids but there is no ‘sensible’ sex without the exchange of saliva and mucus and all these carry the virus. Ideally you can get away with a ‘blowjob’ or ‘fingering’ but it is unlikely and technically impossible because you will still be closer than three (3) feet’’ he stated.

Meanwhile, married couples and lovers who live together are exempted from this necessary ‘sexual fasting’.
‘’If you live together then why not you can be quarantined together. Chances are you don’t have the virus. If you guys live together you are likely to catch the virus together anyway’’ he observed.

He also mentioned that, the Covid-19 is an extremely infectious mutated strain of the 2013 coronavirus and adhere to all the preventive measures of handwashing or sanitizing, social distancing.

‘Room Service’ airs every Thursday from 10:00pm to 12:00 am on YFM.

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