Locked-up investment holders begin protest at the Ministry of Finance

Locked-up investment holders begin protest at the Ministry of Finance

Locked-Up Investment Holders Forum has relaunched protest at the Finance Ministry, urging the government to unfreeze their assets stuck in collapsed financial institutions.

The Bank of Ghana’s decision to revoke licenses of over 400 financial entities between 2017 and 2019 led to investors’ capital being trapped, sparking the ongoing crisis.

The group is pushing for the ministry to release funds to the Bank of Ghana, allowing the central bank to wind up the defunct entities and reimburse investors.

In an exclusive interview with Happyghana.com, some protesters shared their exasperation and disappointment with the government’s sluggish response to their predicament, voicing their concerns and frustrations over delayed resolution to their situation.

The protesters have pledged to sustain their weekly demonstrations at the ministry, staging a persistent presence every Wednesday, until their demands are met with a substantive and satisfactory response from authorities.

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