Justice Atuguba calls for end to power abuse, advocates for adherence to Rule of Law in Africa

Justice Atuguba calls for end to power abuse, advocates for adherence to Rule of Law in Africa

Justice Atuguba calls for end to power abuse, advocates for adherence to Rule of Law in Africa

Former Supreme Court Judge, Justice William Atuguba, has voiced concern about recent appointments to the Superior Court, suggesting that senior judges are being bypassed in favor of less-qualified candidates.

He attributes this to factors unrelated to merit or established protocols, raising questions about the integrity of the selection process.

Justice Atuguba noted that some of the recent judicial appointments made by President Akufo-Addo to the Supreme Court are still awaiting parliamentary approval. He expressed worry that power is being misused, with competent and experienced judges being overlooked while less experienced individuals are elevated to the highest court.

Justice Atuguba, who led the panel of judges in the 2012 Election Petition, criticized the Electoral Commission for refusing to allow a forensic audit of the voters register. He warned that this refusal undermines fairness and transparency in the electoral process, and called on the Commission to fulfill its duty to ensure proper regulation and accountability.

Speaking on an Accra-based TV station, as monitored by Happyghana.com, he emphasized that power should not be viewed as an entitlement but as a responsibility to uphold the rule of law. According to him, many in positions of authority in Africa misuse power, neglecting the constitutional principles that should guide their actions.

Justice Atuguba called for a shift in mindset, urging leaders to recognize that the law is a public and binding system that governs everyone equally.

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