When we tell stories to others, specifically stories that shape thinking and pass on wisdom, the brains of the people hearing the story synchronize with the story tellers. The picture the story teller paints consistently shapes the perception of the audience.
A story, if broken down into the simplest form, is a connection of cause and effect. And that is how we think. We think in narratives whether it is about buying groceries, what is happening at work or thinking about our friends. We make up stories in our heads for every action and conversation.
Great brands have used the power of story-telling to positively influence perceptions and get customers emotionally connected to them.
What is a Brand Story?
A brand story is more than content and a narrative. It goes beyond what’s written on a website, in a brochure or the presentation or advertising message delivered on TV or radio. Your brand story is simply about what people believe about you based on the signals your brand sends. The story is a bouquet facts, feelings and interpretations, which means that part of your story isn’t even told by you.
Everything you do, each element of your brand- logo, colors, the staff you hire etc. are all part of your brand story and every element should reflect the truth about your brand back to your audience.
Why you need a brand story to tell
If a brand doesn’t have a story, it is just another commodity among several others. It is easily forgettable and replaceable. You have no way to differentiate your brand or your business.
Creating a brand story is not simply about trying to get noticed. It’s about standing for something that people care about and would want to buy into. It’s about thinking beyond the product or service functionalities and striving for the creation of loyalty, memorable and meaningful bonds with your customers and key stakeholders.
A brand story is not just a catchy tagline that’s pasted on a billboard or in a TV or radio ad. It is the bedrock of your growth.
A typical example is how Awake Purified drinking water used the “One4Life” campaign to enter and penetrate the Ghanaian market. The company didn’t simply set out to sell bottled water, their mission was to be ‘make a difference” in the lives of others through the water. Brands like Starbucks and Apple are also built on so much more than the specifications of their products.
Your product is only a part of the brand story. A potential customer’s relationship with your brand will likely begin before they actually patronize it.
How do we begin to tell your brand story?
Your brand story begins with an attachment a potential customer feels towards your product when the he or she hears your message for the first time, when he or she sees your logo, visits your website, reads your about page and experiences your interactions on social media.
Telling a good brand story is not just what you do and how well you do it, but about what your brand stands for and how that something is built into the fiber of the brand. Marketing often happens when you are not listening and your customer is telling a friend how your product changed a life. It is therefore important that your brand story is captivating enough to win you brand advocates and ambassadors especially when you are not listening or watching.
With over 20 years of experience in marketing communications, agencies like Global Media Alliance have developed proven methodologies for helping companies create compelling brand stories that sell. This enables brands to tell their stories from the inside. The agency will help you build the right story-telling foundation upon which you can differentiate your brand and make expressive connections with clients and customers. A great brand story strategy will show you how to stand out, increase brand awareness, create customer loyalty and power profits.
Talk to us today and let’s help you create the right message to influence perceptions of your brand.
Martin Ankrah
Director, Business Development &Projects
Global Media Alliance
LinkedIn: Martin Ankrah