Ghanaian rapper, Opanka, has told Ghanaians that he is not switching from secular music to recording strictly inspirational songs just because of his near- death experience.
Opanka, at a point in his life, got very ill and disclosed that he almost died. Since that experience, he has vowed to use his music as a medium to praise God. Interviewed on eTV Ghana’s Late Nite Celebrity Show, he stated that it is not this experience that drove him to do inspirational songs.
“From the onset or since I began music, I’ve always been that same way. My music always has a message in it. Even if you listen to ‘obiaa ne ne taste’, it still has some inspirational concept so that is how I do my music. That is how I do my songs”, he said.

Opanka added that although he released the song ‘Abubro Nkosua’ featuring gospel singer Gifty Osei after that incident where he almost lost his life, it is not that he had just decided to praise God with his songs because it is something he already does.
However, he mentioned that at that point in time, the message in ‘Abubro Nkosua’ is what he had for the public and he needed people to know that God is wonderful and God has saved him from a near death experience.
According to him, most Ghanaians are hypocrites and most Gospel musicians see themselves as holier than secular musicians but in actuality, some secular artistes are even holier than the ‘so-called’ holy gospel musicians, hence Ghanaians should not judge him if he has decided to do more inspirational songs.
Opanka concluded that he just wants people to know that no matter how lost and rejected one feels, God will always pull through for them if they call on Him, therefore, they should call on God amidst their troubles and have faith that He will save them just like He (God) saved him.
By: Maureen Dedei Quaye