ICGC’s virtual church reaches out to the flock despite COVID19 restrictions

ICGC’s virtual church reaches out to the flock despite COVID19 restrictions

ICGC’s virtual church reaches out to the flock despite the COVID19 restrictions

Global Media Alliance Broadcasting Company (GMABC), with two of its media assets e.TV Ghana and Happy FM, has helped International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) to give hope to millions across in a coronavirus devastated world.

READ MORE: Coronavirus pandemic could change 21st century – Mensa Otabil

Pastor Mensa Otabil preaching the sermon entitled ‘Through the valley of the shadow of death’ used how David confronted fear in Psalm 23: 1-4 he said:

‘’I feel like the days we live in is like the valley of the shadow death. Even the care free people are now so cautious. We are seeing the fear all around us. What do you do when you are in that place, look up to David and say I walk through the valley of death, not I sit in the valley of death.’’

He continued his sermon of hope and faith saying that ‘’It is a process, to walk through means there is an entrance and there is an exit. China has emerged through that valley and we will also walk through. It is a fearful moment; it is a terrible moment. But the world is not coming to an end’’ he assured.

He also said defeating coronavirus is not denying its existence ‘’When Daivd said I will fear no evil he didn’t mean there was no evil, he accepted the reality but didn’t succumb. He made a statement of choice, make that statement of choice that I will not fear evil. There is an information overload which is also contributing to the fear but it shouldn’t choose how many articles you will read a day, and fill your mind with God’s word’’ he encouraged.

Speaking about the reasons why GMABC carried the ICGC sermon live, Timothy Karikari Director of GMABC said: “This is the time that we need solidarity, hope’ and coordinated global response needed to tackle COVID-19 pandemic, it is time for the church to supplement what government is doing. To those that are anxious and concerned, first and foremost I would remind them that in the midst of the chaos God is good and He’s still in control. Even though this caught us by surprise, it didn’t catch Him by surprise. Jesus is still on the throne, ruling and reigning over all things and He can be trusted.’’

READ MORE: We can pray all we want but… -Ps. Mensa Otabil

He also encouraged people to continue observing the preventive measures. ‘’Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately. Please stay safe’’ Timothy Karikari stated.

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