Happy 98.9 FM petitions parliament over delays in Youth Resource Centers’ project

Happy 98.9 FM petitions parliament over delays in Youth Resource Centers’ project

Youth Resource Centers

Happy 98.9 FM has officially petitioned the Speaker of Parliament to summon the Minister of Sports to address the ongoing delays in the completion of the Youth Resource Centers project across the country.

In a letter, the station highlights the Ministry of Youth and Sports’ 2018 initiative to build 10 Youth Resource Centers, at a projected cost of $4 million, with an 18-month completion timeline.

Despite this, only the Koforidua center is operational, while the other centers remain 80-95% complete but unfinished. The petition follows a 2022 interview in which the CEO of the National Youth Authority (NYA) assured the public that six centers would be prioritized for completion. However, progress has stalled, leaving the centers to deteriorate.

Happy 98.9 FM is requesting that the Speaker of Parliament invite the Minister of Sports to provide detailed answers to the following concerns:

  1. The status of the Youth Resource Centers project
  2. Reasons for the delay in completion
  3. A timeline for completing the remaining centers
  4. Measures to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of public funds
  5. Plans to fully equip and staff the centers
  6. The impact of the delays on the youth and communities
    Additionally, the petition calls for the Minister to provide:

The letter emphasizes the critical nature of this issue, noting the significant impact these delays have on Ghanaian youth and their communities.

The call for the Minister of Sports to address Parliament is seen as a vital step towards resolving these issues and ensuring that the centers are completed and fully operational.

Below is a video of the current State of some Youth Resource Centers across the country (Ho, Axim, Dunkwa, Yendi ):

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