A group calling itself The Objective Media Forum has called on the Office of Special Prosecutor under the leadership of Martin Amidu, to conduct an investigation into the alleged $43 billion housing contracts signed by Housing Works and Housing Minister, Atta Akyea.
The group says the allegations levelled against the minister although disputed should not be swept under the carpet but investigated.
Making reference to allegations by Kevin Ekow Taylor, a USA based political commentator and handler of With All Due Respect – Loud Silence Media on Facebook, The Objective Media Forum said the amount involved is huge hence their call on Martin Amidu to investigate.
Mr. Taylor had stated in his video narration that Atta Akyea allegedly signed two contracts in August and October 2018 to the tune of close to $43 billion with two separate companies; contracts he says exceeds the ministry’s budget
The Minister recently disputed all the allegations levelled against him.
Through a statement, Mr. Atta Akyea denied the allegations saying: “Outrightly, I deny the authenticity of the documents being bandied about by this gentleman, and see his conduct as a well-orchestrated plan to bring my hard-earned reputation and image into public disrepute.
I must admit that there were some engagements with the said companies in line with President Akufo-Addo’s commitment to providing quality and affordable houses to the increasing Ghanaian population across the country. However, I state categorically that there was nothing beyond our initial deliberations.
I have relied greatly on the expertise of the Chief Director of the Ministry of Works and Housing. Following the challenges encountered in some payments made from the ministry by the previous Chief Director, I have taken it upon myself to involve, at all times, the services and expertise of Mr. Solomon Asoalla the Chief Director whose vast understanding in the area of construction is not in doubt.
The ministry has not, and I repeat for emphasis, the ministry has not signed any contract to this effect. I dispute forthright, the claims contained in the said video, and have directed my lawyers to study the content of the said publication and to advise me on legal remedies available to me.”
However, The Objective Media Forum believes the issue must thoroughly be investigated especially when the Minister’s statement confirmed engagement with the said companies.
They have also called on the president to with immediate effect cancel the contracts.
A spokesperson for the group, Henry Okine said such an action would go a long way to bring finality to the matter.
He was of the view that the allegations were serious and an indictment towards the president’s fight against corruption.
Mr. Okine also called on the Special Prosecutor to also investigate all the companies mentioned in the video including the CEO of SAFI PROPERTIES, Samuel Nana Freduah Agyemang
He bemoaned the failure of successive governments to complete various housing projects including the Saglemi project.
On August 15, 2012, President John Evans Atta Mills gave executive approval to the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing to implement the project.
The project involved the construction of 5,000 housing units for sale to members of the public through mortgage provided by Ghana Home Loans.
The project was implemented by Constrastora OAS Ghana Limited through a buyers credit of up to $200 million.
The first phase of 1,500 housing units was to be delivered by March 31, 2016 but was extended to August 31.
By: Rainbowradioonline