Gomoa Buduburam market women cry out for modern market facility

Gomoa Buduburam market women cry out for modern market facility

Gomoa Buduburam market women cry out for modern market facility

By: Nana Antwi Boasiako

The market women of Gomoa Buduburam in the Gomoa East District of the Central region are appealing to the District Assembly and the Government to construct a modern and well-equipped market square, enabling them to operate efficiently and effectively, and boost their sales and livelihoods.

Recently, the Ministry of Roads and Highways, in collaboration with the Gomoa East District Assembly, relocated the market women who were previously selling by the roadside to a new location, formerly known as “gab”, in order to facilitate the construction of the Kasoa-Cape Coast highway.

In an interview with Happyghana.com, some market women expressed their frustration and disappointment with their recent relocation. They explained that the new location is too far from their original spot, making it challenging for customers to access them.

Additionally, they lamented that the new site lacks proper infrastructure, resulting in muddy conditions during rainfall, which hinders vehicular access and deters customers from visiting their stalls.

The market women are urgently appealing to the assembly and government to construct a modern and well-equipped market facility, tailored to their needs, to enhance their trading activities, boost their livelihoods, and create a conducive environment for their customers.

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