Going to Parliament shouldn’t be your retirement package – Controller and Accountant General told

Some NPP youth in the Akyem Swedru constituency have called on the Controller and Accountant General, Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem to focus on his core duty and stop eyeing the constituency seat as a retirement package.

According to them, over the last few months, Mr Kwaning Bosompem has been meddling in politics at the local level while in active service as a public official.

Among others, the youth group claims the Controller General has been seen at party functionaries enticing delegates with monetary inducements.

The last straw that broke the camel’s back, is when he was spotted at the constituency’s party delegates conference doling out monies to delegate.

This among many others they believe is meant to sway their mind towards him when the party opens its nomination for the MPship slot.

Ahead of that, the NPP youth in the Akyem Swedru constituency have sent a caution notice to stay far away from the constituency and ditch any plans of contesting the Akim Swedru seat.

“A whole controller should not be meddling in politics. During the delegates congress we caught him meeting with the delegates and gave out GHC 200 to induce them. He intends to contest as MP but we want to tell him parliament is not a retirement package for him so he should go home and enjoy his retirement package,” the statement read.

Below is the statement
We, the Concerned Youth of NPP in the Akyem Swedru constituency, have noted with dismay, plans by the Controller General, Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem, to contest the Akyem Swedru seat.

More shocking is the fact that, Mr Bosompem is in active service as a public official.

Over time, he has taken advantage of the State’s largesse at his disposal and using it for his selfish parochial interest.

We want to send a strong warning to him, that we won’t allow our conscience to be bought by the monetary inducements he has been offering some of us, delegates.

A whole Controller should not be meddling in politics. During the recent delegates Congress,we caught him meeting with the delegates and gave out 200 cedis to inducements them. He intends to contest as MP but we want to tell him parliament is not a retirement package for him so he should go home and enjoy his retirement.

By 2024, he’ll be 64 years and we, the youth of the Akyem Swedru constituency feel he will not be able to articulate our issues and better represent us in Parliament at the old age.

We reiterate our resolve not to allow Mr Bosompem to buy our conscience with money.

We wish to appeal to our hardworking President Akufo-Addo and the father of our great NPP, to call his appointee, the Controller and Accountant General, to order and leave the Akyem Swedru seat alone.

As we prepare to break the eight, we also implore our National Executives to stand firm and ensure the Controller focuses on his core duty and stop eyeing the Akyem Swedru seat.


Concerned NPP Youth of Akyem Swedru

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