Ghana’s Urban Voice Turns Up the Heat for Independence Day Celebration

Ghana’s Urban Voice Turns Up the Heat for Independence Day Celebration

Ghana's Urban Voice Turns Up the Heat for Independence Day Celebration

YFM, Ghana’s most innovative and versatile urban radio station, announces the return of its celebrated “Motherland Radio” concept to commemorate Ghana’s 68th independence day on March 6th. This special programming celebrates themes representing Ghana and Africa through the station’s signature urban music drive.

The “Motherland Radio Independence Day Edition” will feature an immersive musical journey spanning past, present, and future sounds with minimal interruptions, allowing listeners to experience the rich collection of Ghanaian and African music heritage.

“The ‘Motherland Radio’ concept has become a cherished tradition at YFM since we first introduced it in December 2019 during the ‘Year of Return,'” explains Eddy Blay, Programmes Manager of YFM. “For this year’s Independence Day celebration, we’re proud to present the ‘Motherland Radio Independence Day Edition’ – featuring music from the past, present and future. Our listeners can expect less talk and more music as we honour our nation’s cultural journey through sound.”

This initiative highlights YFM’s commitment to showcasing Ghana’s cultural wealth and the station’s pride in its Ghanaian roots while connecting with the broader African narrative. The “Motherland Radio” concept identifies YFM’s pride in its connection with Ghana particularly through the urban music genre.

Listeners can tune in to YFM Accra on March 6th to experience the “Motherland Radio Independence Day Edition” and join in celebrating Ghana’s independence through the universal language of music.

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