Ghanaian soldiers on peacekeeping missions, especially in Lebanon, have been accused of sleeping with Lebanese girls which is said to be denting the image of the country.
The development is said to have angered the Chief of Defence Staff, Lieutenant General OB Akwa, and has threatened to deal ruthlessly, in the future, with soldiers involved in the practice, the Day Break newspaper has reported on Tuesday.
The army chief is said to have counselled the soldiers, at a durbar held last week at the Burma Hall in Accra, the need for them to remain professional in line with their strict military codes of discipline.
Quoting a military source, the newspaper said he has given the delinquent soldiers a chance to repent and reorder their vocation as soldiers from a nation regarded as decent in peacekeeping and diplomacy.
“We send you out on missions to carry the flag of Ghana High,” Lit. General Akwa was quoted as saying “and not to engage in acts that lower the esprit de corps of the contingent.
“For now, we will only hope that the craze dies with the close of the durbar, because the axe will fall sooner or later, without discrimination on any one caught in the unbecoming act,” he added.
Last week, Ghanaians troops on a peacekeeping mission in the Middle East country returned home on leave from UNIFIL duties.