Ghana Police Service urges faith-based groups to adhere to legal standards in prophecy communication

Ghana Police Service urges faith-based groups to adhere to legal standards in prophecy communication

Ghana Police Service urges faith-based groups to adhere to legal standards in prophecy communication

The Ghana Police Service has issued a stern reminder to the general public, with a particular emphasis on faith-based organizations, urging them to operate within the legal framework of the country and refrain from disseminating false information.

The police’s directive comes in the form of a statement aimed at ensuring that communication of prophecies aligns with established laws and regulations.

Notably, the police acknowledge that faith-based groups and individuals have largely complied with these legal standards.

This compliance, the statement emphasizes, plays a crucial role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of those affected by prophecies, while simultaneously contributing to a society free of unnecessary panic, fear, and alarm.

Designating December 27 as “Prophecy Communication Compliance Day,” the Ghana Police Service calls on the general public, particularly faith-based groups and individuals, to maintain patriotism and abide by the law.

The statement underscores the importance of respecting the rights and freedoms of others and upholding the public interest while exercising the constitutionally protected rights to practice faith and freedom of speech.

Emphasizing the delicate balance between individual rights and the collective well-being of society, the police urge religious communities to ensure that their practices align with the legal framework.

The police expect that continuous respect for legal standards will help to maintain Ghana’s current state of law, order, and security as the country honours this designated day.

In the spirit of the holiday season, the Ghana Police Service extends warm wishes to everyone for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

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