Former Auditor-General calls on Ghanaians to vote out corrupt leaders in December elections

Former Auditor-General calls on Ghanaians to vote out corrupt leaders in December elections

Former Auditor-General calls on Ghanaians to vote out corrupt leaders in December elections

Former Auditor-General Daniel Domelevo has urged Ghanaians to take decisive action against the growing issue of corruption by voting out dishonest leaders in the upcoming December 7 elections.

Speaking at a Crusaders for Change event in Koforidua, the Eastern Regional capital, Domelevo expressed serious concern about the rising cases of corruption across the country.

He encouraged voters to use their ballots as a means of holding leaders accountable, ensuring that those suspected of corruption are not re-elected.

He stressed the essential role citizens play in combating corruption, highlighting that their votes can influence the country’s governance and leadership.

He criticized the older generation, describing them as selfish, prioritizing immediate gains without regard for the future. He urged that this behavior must stop and emphasized that Ghanaians possess both the knowledge and power to reject corrupt leaders by saying, “enough is enough.”

Acknowledging that it is an election year, he called on citizens to oppose any leader they believe to be corrupt, whether at the presidential or parliamentary level. He urged them to prevent such individuals from gaining or retaining power, warning that failure to act would jeopardize the nation’s future.

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