#FixTheTrafficLights: Happy FM campaign yields results

#FixTheTrafficLights: Happy FM campaign yields results

#FixTheTrafficLights: Happy FM campaign yields results

By: Jude Tackie

The malfunctioning traffic lights at the Kanda Highway intersection, which recently led to some distressing accidents, has been successfully repaired.

The repair of the traffic light comes as a result of the persistent efforts of Happy 98.9 FM, Ghana’s leading radio station and their campaign, “#FixTheTrafficLights.” Over the past few weeks, the station has been actively advocating for the repair and maintenance of malfunctioning traffic lights in Accra, highlighting the dangers they pose to the public.

The campaign gained significant momentum on social media, with the hashtag #FixTheTrafficLights trending widely. Citizens took to various platforms to share their own experiences and underscore the urgent need for action.

Fati Shiabu-Ali, Head of News and Online Content at Happy 98.9 FM’s, expressed relief for the successful repair of the traffic light. She emphasized the importance of citizens coming together to address critical issues affecting their safety and well-being.

“This is a testament to the power of collective action,” she stated. “We didn’t just talk; we took the appropriate steps to engage with the relevant authorities and raise awareness about the issue. Today, we see the results of our efforts.”

The repair of the Kanda Highway traffic light serves as a beacon of hope for residents of Accra, as it demonstrates that when communities unite to advocate for positive change, they can make a tangible difference in their city’s safety and infrastructure.

While this repair is a significant step forward, the #FixTheTrafficLights campaign continues its mission to ensure that malfunctioning traffic lights in Accra are promptly addressed and that the safety of all road users remains a top priority.

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