Apostle David K.T Lawson, Senior Pastor, His Wisdom and Power Arena, has explained the reason why it is important for Christians all over the world to pay attention to the war happening between Russia and Ukraine.
Talking about what he thinks is happening between Russia and Ukraine, he stated that, Russia is disturbing the world because, “The world is just recovering from a pandemic and economic crisis that the devil nations brought our way and after such an unpleasant experience with COVID this world on the surface is a little senseless”.
He mentioned that, all this should be of concern to us because, Jesus has instructed us not to take people away from the world but rather, look after them in the world.
He told Paul Anomah Kordieh on e.TV Ghana’s Christian Connect, “So as you live in the world, know that the activities of the world has an impact on us but, we would have to remove ourselves from the activities of the world and look at it in the context of the Bible”.
The man of God also disclosed that, God already knew all this was going and, “as we all know, God has created the world and sent his son Jesus to save us and went back to heaven to prepare a place for us and will come back to take us to where he is but, within the timeline he gave us, it’s been 2,000 years plus and within the 2,000 years plus God is aware that there will be series of activities that will take place”.
He revealed that, God had spoken about some of the things that will happen and he will still speak about some that are happening and then he will speak about some that will happen and it is up to us Christians to take note of all these.
“So within that time, that is where the prophecy comes to mind. That God will speak about things that will happen in the future things that are happening in the present and things that happened in the past” he said.
Asked whether this can be related to the end time being near, Apostle David however shared that, “we would have to be able to contextualize what is happening within the exegesis of the time and know whether we are close to the end time or these are signs to the end time”.
By: Gyamfuah Owusu-Ackom