Faulty Traffic Lights: Residents clash with Police over Banyard-Awoshie highway block

Faulty Traffic Lights: Residents clash with Police over Banyard-Awoshie highway block

In the early hours of Monday, August 7, residents effectively blocked the Banyard-Awoshie Highway following a series of fatal accidents that have plagued the stretch. The primary cause of these accidents is attributed to damaged traffic lights that have remained unrepaired for over three years, leaving commuters in a state of constant peril.

The decision to block the highway comes after mounting frustration over the lack of action from authorities to address the dire safety situation. The damaged traffic lights, which serve as a crucial regulatory device at a major intersection, have reportedly been dysfunctional since 2018.

This prolonged negligence has created an environment prone to accidents, leading to loss of lives and destruction. The community’s decision to take matters into their own hands reflects their desperation for effective change. Despite countless pleas to the local government and relevant authorities to repair the traffic light, no substantial progress has been made. The roadblock is seen as a last-resort attempt to draw attention to the critical issue and force swift action from the concerned authorities.

Eyewitnesses on the scene report that citizens have strategically placed barricades and rail gas along the highway, preventing any vehicular movement on the stretch. The move has garnered mixed reactions from commuters and residents. While some express solidarity with the demonstrators, others lament the inconvenience caused by the unexpected roadblock.

Residents shared their frustrations with Happyghana.com, highlighting the traumatic experiences they have endured due to the unsafe conditions prevailing on the highway. Families have lost loved ones, and countless accidents have left survivors with life-altering injuries. The lack of intervention from responsible parties has deepened the sense of despair in the community.

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